A day in the life

Today’s assignment in my Sketchbook Skool class is to draw moments of my day, comic style. So in the morning I pre-drew the boxes and filled them in as the day progressed. I started out using my brush pen but then switched out different pens over the course of the day. I think today I…

Coloring page

Today’s assignment for A Drawing Day was to sketch your own coloring page!  Draw a line drawing  with a Sharpie of a bowl of fruit and then color it in with crayons. I had so much fun! Coloring with crayons is so nostalgic. I also used colored pencils and oil pastels. 

Sunrise and thunderstorm

I’m playing catchup on my One Drawing A Day class in Sketchbook Skool. I got too busy for it about a month ago and then fell out of the daily drawing habit.  Today the assignment was to draw a sunset and a thunderstorm with crayons. It was so much fun!! I really don’t like the…

A memory 

I was having trouble coming up with something to draw the other day so I decided to do the drawing prompt for the Sketchbook Skool Drawing A Day group. The prompt was Memory and a lot of people were drawing the memory of their first day of school. I remembered an old photo of me on…

Patterns from fashion 

Yesterday in my class we were to draw patterns that we found in a magazine. I checked out a Vogue from the library and had fun flipping through it last night. It’s been a very long time since I’ve looked at a fashion magazine and I was a bit distracted and appalled at first by…

Little Squares

In addition to the “A Drawing A Day” course, I am also taking a class taught by Danny Gregory called, “How To Draw Without Talent” (both of them at Sketchbook Skool). I’ve gotten a little behind on that one and am catching up on assignments over the weekend. Here is one that I really enjoyed!…

“Field trip” #2

We had another bad day of weather so I did a second drawing inside of my bookcase. Again, I tried the various pens and techniques from the lessons of the week. I enjoyed using the brush pen on the ukulele case. The process of sketching with the brush pen is fun but the results I’m…

“Field trip”

It’s literally raining ice daggers outside today so I was unable to go outside to draw, which was the assignment for today. So instead I got to work a little early and drew inside. I thought it might be challenging and fun to work with perspective and draw the library shelving. It was fun to…

Love and hate

Yesterday’s lesson was to draw the words love and hate, conveying the emotion of the word in the line.  I really enjoyed this in the sense that it made me understand how emotions really inform the way a line will look. Very interesting!  I used calligraphy pens, a pentel pocket brush pen, and a sharpie.

Sinuous Lines

Yesterday’s lesson was to draw a cord using a brush pen. I kind of struggled with this because I feel like the Pentel Pocket has a mind of its own and I had a hard time letting go of control.

Thick & thin lines

For yesterday we explored thick and thin lines using different sized Sharpies. I enjoyed doing this. I had a definite moment when things clicked and I got drawn into the process. 

One drawing a day

I fell off the sketching train again so I thought the new year would be a great time to get back into the habit of drawing everyday. It just so happens that Sketchbook Skool is offering a One Drawing A Day class, and I had Christmas money so I signed up! I’m going to share…